Tracking Your Success
Evaluation: Analyzing and Using Your Results

Updated: 6.1.06

Take the following into consideration as you interpret the data you have collected:

• Consider when your activities took place in relation to changes in call volume and/or media coverage. Be sure to include the period of time that advertisements and other outreach activities took place.

• Be aware of any other advertising about health care coverage programs that preceded or followed the data collection period. Sometimes there is a carryover from activities, advertising or other events that might have drawn attention to the hotline number.

• Document other activities/outreach efforts that took place in the same time period that may have affected the results of your campaign. For example, if the state tax office sent out letters to all families with potentially eligible children just before your effort took place, your results may not be as dramatic.

• Make note of other major news stories that may have limited or eclipsed coverage of your activities.

• Hotline:

• Media:

What Do I Do with the Evaluation Findings?

Prepare a report or series of short reports to share the findings. Explaining what you set out to do and what you accomplished - with the data for proof - is a good way to "make the case" for the value of your outreach. Use the report to congratulate coalition members or partners, create news, and plan future events. For samples of hotline and media databases, see the Covering Kids & Families Evaluating Communications and Outreach guide.