Working with the Media
How to Set Up Editorial Board Meetings

Updated: 6.1.06

A newspaper's editorial section is among the most widely read and influential pages in the paper. As the "voice of the community," the newspaper attempts to articulate the community's values and stake out positions that it believes are in the best interest of the community through its editorials.

Editorial board meetings allow interested parties or groups to present their point of view on issues that are important to them and the community. The paper then takes these views into consideration when deciding what editorial stances to take and even what stories to cover.

To set up an editorial board meeting with your newspaper:

1. Call or write the head of the editorial board at your local newspaper. Newspapers will know exactly what you are asking for when you request a meeting with the editorial board. The newspaper switchboard can connect you with the head of the editorial board. In most instances, their assistant will either connect you or ask you to send a letter or e-mail.

2. Select up to four people to meet with the editorial board. Assemble a diverse group to meet with the editorial board, with each person having different experiences related to children enrolled in Medicaid or SCHIP or in need of health care coverage. Participants might include: medical professionals, educators, corporate or organizational partners or an elected official.

3. Plan your remarks. Choose one person to serve as the spokesperson and introduce the issue. Your presentation should take no more than 15 or 20 minutes. Then members of the editorial board generally ask questions of the group. Be sure to provide a packet with additional information that you do not cover in your presentation.